A Little About Me

me makemeprettyplz
My name is Ashley. I’m from New Orleans, Louisiana. That’s right, I’m a true southern gal! I’m 34 years old and growing.  I fell in LOVE with makeup when I was a little girl. All dressed up with my jewelry and lipstick on at the age of four, dancing and singing “I’ve had the time of my life” from Dirty Dancing. I would always put makeup on my dolls to my doggies. As I got older I would do my friends makeup for prom and weddings. I have gain experience working as a professional makeup artist for a few different companies over 15 years. I am now a freelance makeup artist and beauty blogger. I have always had a passion for makeup, beauty & the fashion world. If you want to get to know me better,  just ask me a question! I will be happy to answer them. Hope you enjoy my posts, and don’t be shy, leave a comment. I would love to hear from you!!!

xoxo – Ashley💄💋❤️

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